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Tuition Fee Payment

Mode of Payment

Smart Tuition currently accepts two modes of payment:
  1. PayNow/ PayLah

  2. Bank / ATM fund transfer

    • Internet banking
    • ATM transfer
    • Transfer with assistance from bank-teller

For the convenience of everyone, Smart Tuition prefers collection of payment via Bank / ATM fund transfer (the first method). Do inform the coordinator your preferred mode of payment and he/she will advise you with the details.

Please update the coordinator immediately once you have made the payment.

Payment Information

Please note that there is no free trial lesson.

Normal circumstances

Under normal circumstances, Smart Tuition collects 50% of the tutor's first month tuition fees. There is no charge on the clients' side, unless otherwise stated before the commencement of the first lesson.

Smart Tuition adopts the policy of collecting the tuition fee from the client directly at the end of the second week of lesson. Future payment of tuition fees will be given to the tutors directly from the clients. However, Smart Tuition will collect the tuition fee for the lessons attended immediately if the tuition assignment is being terminated earlier by any party.

Special circumstances

In special circumstances, Smart Tuition may proceed to collect payment before the start of the first lesson instead, which is known as advanced payment. This will be agreed between Smart Tuition and the client beforehand.

Smart Tuition reserves the rights to classify any tuition assignment (request for tutor) under special circumstances without any explanation. These include short-term assignments, assignments that will only commence more than two weeks later, assignments requested by client under the age of 21 and assignments for or requested by non Singapore citizen.

For more information, please refer to our service agreement.

Different Agencies, Different Policies

Some tuition agencies collect the full month tuition fees directly from the clients before transferring half of the payment to the tutors. It is to the benefits of our passionate tutors that we take up different approach as mentioned above. We have heard of unethical tuition agencies that retain tuition fees or quote a lower tuition fee to their tutors. We wish to give our tutors better assurances that we are running an honest business.

Therefore, if you have engaged the services of different tuition agencies, do not make assumption. Do check out with them!

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"Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation." - John F. Kennedy

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