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Plan your Tuition Fees Budget

If you are worried that you or your child's tuition fees may chunk up to your monthly or yearly expense, you should start calculating and derive a reasonable budget using our Tuition Fees Budget Calculator.

One advice is that you should always focus on the efficiency of tuition and not mainly on the price; you do not engage a private home tutor simply for the sake of engaging one. What you should prioritise on is the result. You do not offer a low rate to engage a lowly qualified and inexperienced tutor.
Estimated tuition fee:

$30   x   1.5 hours   x   2 sessions   x   4.3 weeks (1 month)   =   $390 / month

(The ideal budget of engaging an undergraduate for a secondary school subject, such as Mathematics, English, Chinese, Physic etc.)

If your child needs assistance in his/her studies, our tuition agency is delighted to find a suitable tutor for you.

Plan your Tuition Fees Budget by Skai Chan,
Ex-lecturer, Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College West, Singapore.

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