Smart Tuition Singapore believes education beyond academic performance. We hope to emphasize on
moral education and
good philosophy. Therefore, we try to express our utmost gratitude by putting up this credits page for people who have
contributed little or a great deal to our tuition agency.
This is a little thing we can do to show our
gratitude and
appreciation to the friends, home tutors, parents, students and others who have helped. In our journey to make
tuition in Singapore more convenient, efficient and reliable, many people have contributed their ideas, critics and copyrighted materials.
Thanks for the site advice!
Bobby Tan
Thanks for advices and contributing of stock photos!
Candy and friends
Thanks for contributing your sweet photo!
Thanks for contributing your profile and photo!
Gilbert Lew
Thanks for the numerous advices!
Thanks for the numerous advices!
Thanks for volunteering for financial consultation!
Thanks for the photos of the litte boy!
Mike Ong
Thanks for the guidance, sponsoring and tools!
Peh Kian Wee
Thanks for your advices!
Sae Yeoh
Thanks for the invitation of friends!
Thanks for going through the website and present the errors in a very neat manner for us to update!
Sherry Ong
Thanks for contributing your hot photo!
Terry Lim Wai Loon
Thanks for introducing the forums for advertising!
Tze Khit
Thanks for all the advices and sponsoring!
Wee Yong
Thanks for contributing your profile and increasing our force!
Thanks for the advice on site!
Thanks ouxiang for the feedbacks!
Thanks for advising on the site design!
And thanks to those contributors whom we have not listed here!
Like this page? Share with your friends! Please
link us in your website/blog!
"It'll be a great day when education gets all the money it wants and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy bombers."- Source Unknown