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Study Guide: How to Study Effectively

We have researched on a list of study tips on how to study effectively, in other words, how to study smart. Hope the following tips to study will be able to help you or your friends.

In fact, the study tips can also be applied to adults in the working world.

Study Guides

  1. Always seek advice and tips from your teacher.
  2. Approach your teachers for help. If your teachers are unable to spend extra time out of the class to help you, get a tuition teacher.
  3. Avoid being a nerd who studies more than twelve hours every day. Be hardworking and efficient.
  4. Avoid being spoon fed. Your body and brain can help you to complete things by yourself because you are not a weakling.
  5. Be aware of subjects or chapters that you are weak in and not neglect anything that you think may not be important. They may affect your overall result by a grade.
  6. Be constantly efficient so that you can obtain better result with less time and energy.
  7. Be respectful to your teachers. They may be able to speak up for you if you get into any trouble or fail a paper by a mark. You do not need to bribe them, but at least do not give them trouble during normal days.
  8. Be street smart during exam.
  9. Begin to study early and keep it constant. Any last minute work can easily cause anxiety attack and procrastination.
  10. Breath properly. Deep abdominal inhalation brings more oxygen into your body. Exhale stale air properly. Good breathing technique will keep you more energetic the entire day.
  11. Concentrate on your own goals. Avoid distraction. Highlight your goals and make sure you get to see them daily, especially every start of a day.
  12. Consider yourself as the greatest enemy and try to outshine yourself instead of completing with others.
  13. Cover all chapters of the subject rather than focusing merely on a part of the subject. Go for the larger picture before you slowly improve on the individual parts.
  14. Create a desire to succeed in school. Think about success, discuss about success, dream of success and act for success.
  15. Create and enhance your personal study system that works. Many students do not perform better than they deserve because they do no plan. You may need a timetable.
  16. Develop word power by learning vocabulary. Learn some new words everyday.
  17. Develop your creativity. Think out of the box.
  18. Do meditation to train yourself to become more disciplined and tolerant.
  19. Eat properly and healthily. You need the energy from good food.
  20. Exercise regularly because you need a healthy body to carry out instructions from your brain.
  21. Fight procrastination by all means. Do your work based on your plan on time every time.
  22. Form a study group. A good study group can help to motivate you and also share problems in a topic that you may not have realised.
  23. Get help from online forums. Learn from educational websites such as wikipedia. You can watch demonstration on Youtube but do not be distracted by other entertainment videos.
  24. Have pride in yourself. Be proud of your success but not overdo it lie an egoist.
  25. If you are unable to solve any question, learn from your friends. If they do not know how to teach, at least learn from their workings and answers.
  26. Keep a diary or blog. It helps to train yourself to write better.
  27. Keep several information resources such as newspaper, magazine and blogs. Take advantage of RSS.
  28. Keep study notes for formulas and definitions. Keep graphs and diagrams together. It is easier to study with the information summarized and kept short. You can always refer to the textbooks whenever required.
  29. Keep your work area tidy. Messy places will kill your focus and boil your calmness.
  30. Learn and develop additional skills outside your course. Most of the things you study in school are not applicable to working life.
  31. Learn Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) because it is extremely useful to tame down stress, sadness, anger and other negative emotions.
  32. Learn energy work for example Yoga, Qigong or Tai chi.
  33. Learn how to develop imagination power using all senses so that you can simulate reality in your thoughts effortlessly.
  34. Learn how to motivate yourself. Take advantage of reward and punishment mechanism to maintain your drive.
  35. Learn to learn. The more you learn, the better you can perform. There are many good learning skill available.
  36. Learn to live life. Life is a lot more than studying. You need to learn how to be a human and enjoy every aspect of life.
  37. Listen to motivating music while studying. Different people prefer different type of music. Find your genre!
  38. Look upon your study life like a reality game that requires planning excitements and motivation. You are a strategist who needs to find loop holes in the system and win the game.
  39. Maintain a summary of content of the subject. Mark down those that you have studied or have difficulties in. This will help you to manage your study.
  40. Make self love your core value. Care about your own progress.
  41. Manage your risk. If you are able to choose your electives, do not place those electives with projects together in a semester because you may not have the time to do, especially if you have to alias time with different groups.
  42. Master goal setting techniques.
  43. Master memorization technique. You need to remember useful information.
  44. Master soft skills as they will be not only useful when doing your projects, but also in the working life.
  45. Master speed reading. It will make you more efficient than others.
  46. Master thinking skills. You need to analysis things properly to make good decisions.
  47. Master time management skill.
  48. Organize your stationery. Good stationery may affect your efficiency. Some people's handwriting may differ using different pens. Remember to keep your pencil sharpened.
  49. Play mental games that will train and sharpen the mind.
  50. Read many books to improve your knowledge.
  51. Sleep early and at regular hours without being disturbed. Bad sleep will make you tired in the day.
  52. Socialise with your schoolmates. They may be able to help you when necessary, such as sharing of exam tips and pass year papers.
  53. Stay humble. Do not become a show-off whenever you see any result and ends up relaxing. There is always rooms for improvement.
  54. Stay independent and make your own decisions. Do things on your own without relying for help constantly so that you can develop yourself to become a true adult.
  55. Stay positive. Be optimistic and happy.
  56. Stay strong and be ready to support yourself. Should you not able to do it you will not be able to survive any setback when no one is there with you.
  57. Summarize your materials on small cards so that you can study on the road.
  58. Take care of your emotion. Avoid being over brood down by unhappy things. They will cause you great problems.
  59. Take good care of your health. If you fall sick or get tired easily, it will greatly affect your school work.
  60. Turn down peer pressure. You need to know your true self and be honest to what you really want, and not simply follow your friends' decision and expectation.
  61. Use camera if you are not able to jot down the writing on the whiteboard fast enough in case you miss some words from your teachers' mouth.
  62. Use highlighter and colour stickers to handle information.
  63. Use mind map to piece the contents properly for easy study.
  64. Use short bullet point form to learn.
  65. Watch out for tips from your teachers. Sometimes they may drop some hints on which chapters are more important and will be tested heavier on.
  66. Work on the past year papers and discover the question pattern. Some questions may be repeated.
  67. Work on your handwriting. Good handwriting will give a better impression to the exam script markers.
  68. Work smartly. Recognize the pattern of answering questions allowing you to have a formula to solve further questions.

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