Register as a Tutor (Become a tutor)
Registration is free - no hidden fee.
No credit card information is needed - no money transaction between us.
We do not force you to take up any tuition assignment.
No spamming from us - strictly for tuition/education matters.
No selling of tutor's information.
We sustain our services by commissioning
your first two tutoring weeks' tuition fee (50% of first month)
for each successful match. We will collect the fee from the parent/student directly and thus you do not need to pay anything upfront.
Document Verification is Mandatory
Smart Tuition is well trusted by parents because
we go to the extra miles to make sure our tutors are honest, sincere and passionate about tutoring. We are a Singapore
registered business and require all registered tutors to submit their certificates/transcripts (
home tutor verification) before we "release" any tuition assignment to them. We will not recommend any anonymous or arrogant tutor to our parents/students. This is one of the many reasons being a registered tutor with Smart Tuition can stand out from others. Even though we do have various features, such as self-updating of profile for parents/students to select you, do not treat us as a social network site that you can simply register without identifying yourself. Therefore,
if you do not intend to submit your document, please do not sign up.
You can edit (or remove) your profile after sign-up to fill in more details
Tips for filling up a web form
Why are the home tutors' details required?
Home Tutor Registration Form
- No
HTML code,
URL or
non-English characters.
- Profiles with false or hidden information will be blacklisted immediately.
- We approve all new registration and profile updates
- Some fake details can go through this form so that we can blacklist the "tutors".
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"A child miseducated is a child lost." - John F. Kennedy