Tuition Agency in Singapore
Our tuition agency focuses on private home tuition based in Singapore, to match Singapore home tutors and students, known as tuition assignments.
Our services also include helping
tuition centres and
student care centres to find appropriate tutors.
This is the first step to lead you or your child to better grades in school. Let us do the search of an affordable home tutor for you for free, which means that you will pay as per normal the
tuition fees for a qualified home tutor as agreed between both you and the tutor - at
no additional cost (no hidden cost).
This is made possible because we collect a one-time commission (first 2 weeks' tuition fee) from our home tutors who are successfully matched by us. However, for parents/students looking for a short term "crash course" or tuition for a period of 3 or less months, the commission to be paid to us will be spilt between the selected tutor and you.
Singapore Home Tuition Agency Services
The diagram above summarises how our home tuition agency works.
Student / Parent
Request for tutor
Parents and students can request for a tutor by stating their requirements. Our coordinators will filter our database and contact the tutors for their availabilities before recommending them to the parents and students. There is no obligation.
Browse and select home tutors
Parents and students can browse through our home tutor listing to find an ideal home tutor. However, we respect our tutors' privacy and public listing is optional, and thus not all tutors are listed. Parents and students can request for any of the listed home tutors through our tuition agency, but is subjected to his/her availability and suitability (our coordinators have the rights to reject the offer by parents/students if the requested tutor differ from the requirements).
Home Tutor
Register as a tutor
Home tutors can register as tutors with us for free. We will only recommend registered tutors to parents and students - not any anonymous.
Apply for tuition assignments
We list down our available tuition assignments for tutors to apply. All registered tutors can login to the website and apply for the tuition assignments through the system. We will filter the applicants and recommend the most suitable ones to the parents and students.
Smart Tuition Singapore
Screen through tutors' profiles
We manually check through all new and updated profiles.
Verify tutors' documents
We manually check through tutors' softcopy documents to verify that they have obtained the educational qualification that they have stated. This will eliminate problems of tutors over-charging parents and students.
Match students and home tutors
We screen through our tuition assignments and home tutors to match them. Based on our experience and expertise, we are confident that we can do a better matching for all home tutors and students.
Coordinate tuition assignments
We make necessary contacts with our home tutors and students/parents to make each tuition assignment a success.
Our Beliefs
- All students are smart
but need guidance and someone to stimulate their interest in the subjects.
- A good relationship between tutor and students matters
and thus we ask for feedbacks to improve and filter our home tutors. Over time, the standard of our home tutor list improves.
- Giving is receiving
and that is why we are trying to create more useful tools and articles for everyone.
Our Mission
To bring convenience to home tutors and students, to match their requirements for each individual tuition assignment with satisfaction. To provide more than home tuition matching services, such as offering free tools and articles for all Singapore tutors and students.
Our Motto
Education is a Mission, not a Profession.
Our Vision
Home tuition has become essential for many students in Singapore. We have talents from overseas coming over due to Singapore's good educational system and country's stability. With the great challenge,
Singapore students often face great struggles in competing with the outstanding forces from all over the world. It is always the case of survival in the man-eating world out there.
Tutoring will certainly
boost a student's pace in absorbing materials from the subjects. It is critical for students with poor grades to pull themselves up, and it is also an achievement for top students to excel further. There is this saying of “the greatest opponent is no others but yourself”.
With Singapore government's support to increase birthrate, more subsidies would also encourage parents to fork out money for their children's future, by engaging home tutors. Tutors are everywhere, but
good tutors may not come easy. Through our recommendation via feedbacks from previous students and parents, we increase the chance of you getting a good home tutor. Why not entrust us to
find a good home tutor for you or your child today?
Our Goals
- To educate parents, students, tuition tutors and the general public the unspoken rules, procedure and ethnic of tuition in Singapore.
- To help parents and students to find suitable and creditable tuition tutors, and vice versa.
- To identify more talents with good characters among our list of registered tutors.
- To establish trust and rapport with parents, students and tuition tutors through our day to day work.
- To provide more useful tuition tools and information to help Singapore tuition tutors, teachers and students, and other visitors.
- To expand our team in order to assist more people.
- To recruit a group of voluntary home tutors for the needies in Singapore.
- To collaborate with schools and educational organisations to extend helps to students.
- To gather talented and passionate Singapore tutors and establishes a tuition centre in Singapore.
Our Revenue and Expenses
We are thankful to our clients and tutors for their honesty, understanding and appreciation to help to keep our tuition agency running. We are mainly collecting the first half month commission for each successful assignment. Some well-established businessmen have questioned how we are able to sustain with such low income and we have to admit that this is more of an interest than making quick and big bucks.
Below are the main business cost that we have to bear monthly or annually:
- Domain name
- Webhost
- Marketing
- Business Registration
- Electricity bills
- Phone bills
- Staffing
Unfortunately, sometimes we have to deal with cunning people who try to undercut us, which has resulted more time wasteage and prevented us from helping more people.
Our Problems and Challenges
Running a tuition agency is never as simple as what many people think. We are facing many challenges since the first day of operation, and weird problems arouse almost daily. After all, the responsibility to find suitable tutors for the student is heavy.
We really appreciate everyone for putting trust in us and also forgiving us for any shortcoming. We may not be able to live to up everyone's expectation, but we have done our best within our limit.
Protecting private and confidential information of clients and tutors
It is our responsibility to safeguard the information and document of our clients and tutors.
Smart Tuition does not accept just anyone to join our team because the job involves many people's private and confidential information. Thus, we have been seeking reliable friends to join us and we are proud of the integrity of all our team-mates.
Handling manpower shortage
Other than reliability, it also requires a responsible person to do proper filtering work to help parents as a coordinator. Since every coordinator can only handle a few tuition assignments at one time, we may fall short of manpower during peak periods. Due to the job nature, especially after dealing with some nasty people, some coordinators have left the team to pursue their own interest. The daily tiring administration work, including verification of document, requires some detailed work and is currently handled by our management, which has been slowing down our progress.
We have been looking out for suitable people to join our team. We have also spent a lot of time to do automation to the website so that our coordinators can do their job better, easier and faster. Our automation also includes applying of tuition assignments that will be entered into the system immediately, which is so much better than using the "old school" emailing to apply for tuition assignments. More instructions have been added to the website and they are being improved over and over again. We prioritize our work. We also request all tutors to contact us only through web form or email and not bother our coordinators so that they can focus on their work.
Communicating between team-mates
Communication between our team-mates is very important since there are too many tutors in our list. We need to help each other to identify good and bad tutors.
Our tuition system allows every team member, including administrators and coordinators, to update and highlight their encounters and opinions on the tutors. We also use social media to communicate with each other.
Handling tough competition
The market is saturated with many tuition agencies such that the revenue is at its minimal. Starting a new tuition agency is easy by just anyone who knows how to create a free blog using services such as Blogspot. Most of them are illegal since their businesses are not registered and thus have no credibility.
We work with integrity and do not over-promise. We put in our best for all clients and are pleased that we have quite a number of returning and referred clients. We use our unique tuition system to help students find suitable tutors with detailed information from both clients and tutors. Therefore, we are still able to continue with our tutoring services despite the heavy competition. Nevertheless, we are very happy to communicate with other like-minded tuition agencies, knowing there are many honest people in Singapore.
Filtering tutors
Many tutors register with us daily. It is difficult to judge who are the good tutors. We have heard of cases of tutors lying over their qualifications in order to get more tutoring jobs and at higher tuition rates.
We look through every tutor's profile manually to judge them on how they fill up the registration form. We demand document verification from every tutor before they can successfully be matched with any tuition assignments. We judge all tutors based on every interaction we have with them and our tuition system has a rating system. Most importantly, we listen to feedback from parents who have worked with the tutors before.
Handling unappreciative clients
Even though most of our clients are nice and appreciative people, some of them can be cunning. We have met some clients who try to undercut us even though we are doing them entirely free service. This requires extra effort from us to handle.
Our team keeps to our principle in dealing with scammers who try to undercut us. We share blacklist with other Singapore tuition agencies so that they will not be scammed by the same people.
Handling not-serious clients
Many clients are just "fishing" around for tutors by making requests at many different tuition agencies. Some have decided not to take up tuition after we have helped them to source for very suitable ones. They often take up our resources and waste our time.
We prioritize our work and assist serious clients before the rest.
Handling black-sheep among tutors
Some tutors can be nasty too. They may try to challenge or undercut us. Our coordinators have encountered many weird tutors.
They do not have many chances to try to be funny since our tuition system updates all coordinators about the encounters with all tutors. We also share blacklist with other Singapore tuition agencies to help them to avoid the black sheep.
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"Every new horizon begins with a branch of education" - Greg Evans