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Tuition Agency in Singapore

Our tuition agency focuses on private home tuition based in Singapore, to match Singapore home tutors and students, known as tuition assignments. Our services also include helping tuition centres and student care centres to find appropriate tutors.

This is the first step to lead you or your child to better grades in school. Let us do the search of an affordable home tutor for you for free, which means that you will pay as per normal the tuition fees for a qualified home tutor as agreed between both you and the tutor - at no additional cost (no hidden cost).

This is made possible because we collect a one-time commission (first 2 weeks' tuition fee) from our home tutors who are successfully matched by us. However, for parents/students looking for a short term "crash course" or tuition for a period of 3 or less months, the commission to be paid to us will be spilt between the selected tutor and you.

Singapore Home Tuition Agency Services

Request for tutor ASSIGNMENTS
Register as tutor TUTOR LIST

The diagram above summarises how our home tuition agency works.

Student / Parent

Home Tutor

Smart Tuition Singapore

Our Beliefs

Our Mission

To bring convenience to home tutors and students, to match their requirements for each individual tuition assignment with satisfaction. To provide more than home tuition matching services, such as offering free tools and articles for all Singapore tutors and students.

Our Motto

Education is a Mission, not a Profession.

Our Vision

Home tuition has become essential for many students in Singapore. We have talents from overseas coming over due to Singapore's good educational system and country's stability. With the great challenge, Singapore students often face great struggles in competing with the outstanding forces from all over the world. It is always the case of survival in the man-eating world out there.

Tutoring will certainly boost a student's pace in absorbing materials from the subjects. It is critical for students with poor grades to pull themselves up, and it is also an achievement for top students to excel further. There is this saying of “the greatest opponent is no others but yourself”.

With Singapore government's support to increase birthrate, more subsidies would also encourage parents to fork out money for their children's future, by engaging home tutors. Tutors are everywhere, but good tutors may not come easy. Through our recommendation via feedbacks from previous students and parents, we increase the chance of you getting a good home tutor. Why not entrust us to find a good home tutor for you or your child today?

Our Goals

Our Revenue and Expenses

We are thankful to our clients and tutors for their honesty, understanding and appreciation to help to keep our tuition agency running. We are mainly collecting the first half month commission for each successful assignment. Some well-established businessmen have questioned how we are able to sustain with such low income and we have to admit that this is more of an interest than making quick and big bucks.

Unfortunately, sometimes we have to deal with cunning people who try to undercut us, which has resulted more time wasteage and prevented us from helping more people.

Our Problems and Challenges

Running a tuition agency is never as simple as what many people think. We are facing many challenges since the first day of operation, and weird problems arouse almost daily. After all, the responsibility to find suitable tutors for the student is heavy.

We really appreciate everyone for putting trust in us and also forgiving us for any shortcoming. We may not be able to live to up everyone's expectation, but we have done our best within our limit.

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