Career - Job Opportunities
Smart Tuition is a registered tuition agency in Singapore that helps to match suitable home tuition tutors with students. If you are interested to join us, do read on.
Tuition coordinator
If you are looking for a job that can fetch you a large sum of income, you can skip looking through the details of this job; do consider working as a full-time home tutor instead. If you have read and believed some websites that claim that tuition coordinator can earn from $3,000 to $10,000 a month easily, it is equivalent to believe that you can find a suitable kidney donor easily.
Job Description
To filter and find suitable
home tutors in our database for our clients (parents/students/guardians) and alias with both parties, make sure the process is smooth and remind clients for payment in the end.
In simple words, you do not need to source for client or tutor; instead, all our tutors and clients approach us by themselves.
Job Satisfaction
The greatest job satisfaction comes after you have successfully helped a client find a very suitable tutor - you know you have done a good deed that can change the path of a student for the better. There are also some clients and tutors who will show you great appreciation.
Basically, as a tuition coordinator of Smart Tuition, you can jolly-well treat yourself as a social worker -
you do not earn a lot but you get to help many people.
Job Benefits
- Able to work from home
- Able to work with a team of happy people
- Able to interact with many people
- Able to gain lots of experience
- Able to learn how to manage nasty people (we probably won't deal with them for a second time)
Personal Qualities Expected
- Customer-orientated
- Good communication skill
- Able to handle unforeseeable situations
- Disciplined
- Honest
- Discreet
- Patient
Fully commission based
Differences from Other Tuition Agencies
All clients and tutors approach/register with us on their own accord.
Some tuition agencies simply buy/rent database from unknown sources, and their tuition coordinators will face more problems with the "tutors".
Our coordinators only handle our existing clients and tutors.
Some tuition agencies collect a monthly subscription fee from their tuition coordinators to use their database. Their tuition coordinators have to source for their own clients and many will have to give up after paying months of subscription fee. These tuition agencies basically recruit just any Tom, Dick or Harry who are willing to pay the tuition agencies. (They probably make more money than us as an agency)
We work as a team.
Although all our coordinators currently work from home, everyone is helpful and you will be guided as when needed through phone or online media. We also leave comments on each tuition assignment and tutor as accordingly to keep each other updated.
We have a user-friendly tuition system.
Our tuition system is uniquely built and maintained by our in-house designers/programmers to ensure the ease of use for our administrators and tuition coordinators. Our tutors are able to login to keep their particulars updated on their own and thus reducing the problems of tuition coordinator offering outdated information to the clients. Since change is the only constant and nothing is perfect in life, we are constantly improving our tuition system. Therefore, our tuition coordinators' jobs will be further improved gradually.
We verify our home tutors.
This is probably the main downside for our tuition coordinators because they have to do the additional work of making sure the tutor being confirmed by the client has submitted his/her documents for our administrator to verify. However, this has helped to reduce problems caused by tutors after taking up tuition assignments. This has also in return created trust by clients who recognise our effort - only applicable to those who bother to read and find out more about our tuition agency.
How to Apply
This job vacancy is currently open only to people whom we know. If you are a friend of any of our administrators or coordinators, do
contact us with your resume for more details and discussion.
Home tutor
We expect our
home tutors to have the passion for tutoring and not simply taking up the tutoring job just for the sake of money. We are protective of our friendly staffs towards rude or unreasonable clients and tutors.
tutors make themselves shine. Apart from your good profiling work, it does depend a lot on luck to get a suitable tuition assignment.
Job Description
To guide student of your preferences in his/her studies. Some clients (parents/students/guardians) may specifically request you to go through homework with the student, provide additional work, conduct lecture or do all of them.
Job Satisfaction
Apart from earning a reasonable amount of income, you will be very satisfied when your student scores good grades or shows improvement in his/her results. You will also make lifelong friends with your students and be respected.
Job Benefits
- Able to make a difference to someone's life
- Gain experience
- Boost your confidence
- Flexible timing
- Get to communicate with someone younger (usually)
Personal Qualities Expected
- Sincere
- Passionate about education
- Patient
- Punctual
- Good communication skill
- Has common sense and bother to read
Before you even get a tuition assignment, you probably need to have some basic web knowledge and use some common sense to do simple things such as filling up a simple web form and submitting your document properly. You can at least read the instructions we have spent endless time revising throughout the years. We do not have the manpower to handle each individual tutor over repeated issue with a big flow of new sign-ups everyday.
As agreed between you and the client, depending on your qualification and experience. You may refer to
tuition fees guide. Our tuition agency will commission your first two weeks' of tuition fee for each success tuition assignment.
Differences from Other Tuition Agencies
You are required to submit your documents for verification.
This is the downside of being a tutor with Smart Tuition because this is indeed troublesome - yes, we have to admit it. However, home tutor verification has helped to gain clients' trust because there are unethical tutors who will fake their qualification in order to overcharge them.
Convenience of applying for tuition assignments.
You can login to your profile and apply for suitable tuition assignments on your own. You can check the status of your assignment application as well. There is also a free daily tuition assignments jobs update to notify you of new tuition assignments via email.
You can update your particulars any time.
Our tuition system allows you to login to keep your particulars updated. You can also switch your availability off so that our coordinators will not contact you when you are not taking up anymore tuition assignment when your timeslot is full or you are going on holidays.
You have your own public profile for potential clients to look at.
This is optional, which means you can switch it on or off any time. Your public profile will increase your chance of getting a tuition assignment since clients can view it online.
We have a rating system.
Good tutors will be rewarded and get higher priority. On the other hand, bad tutors will be penalised. This makes it fair for tutors who have made extra effort to perform.
How to Apply
If you are seriously interested in the job, do
sign up with us after going through the
service agreement to avert any future misunderstanding.
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"It is no small mischief to a boy, that many of the best years of his life should be devoted to the learning of what can never be of any real use to any human being. His mind is necessarily rendered frivolous and superficial by the long habit of attaching importance to words instead of things; to sound instead of sense." - William Cobbett