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Singapore Tuition Assignment 2407003

Please apply for the tuition assignment only if you are proficient and confident of tutoring the relevant subject(s) well. If you are unsuitable for the assignment (example, the parent is asking for a female tutor and you are male), do not apply.

If you have not submitted your document for verification, kindly do so instead of wasting your time.

Primary 6 - Science

Status: Available

Tutoring Level: Primary 6
Subject: Science
Student's Gender: Female
Student's Race: SG chinese
Tuition Rate: $75
Frequency of Lessons: 1 time/week
Duration of Lessons: 2 hrs/lesson
Available Timing: TUE & THU evening
SAT morning & afternoon
Location: Punggol Walk
Tutor's Gender: No preference
Tutor's Minimum Qualification: Bachelor
Requirements / Comments:

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