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Ken (Ong)   |   Tutor ID: 3425



Highest qualification verified: Master

Home tutor - Ken


Gender: male
Age: 47
Nationality: Singaporean
Race: chinese
Tutoring Experience: 26 years

Education History

Highest Qualification: Master
NIE trained: Yes
Integrated Programme: No
Secondary School: Bukit Panjang Govt High
Junior College / Polytechnic: NJC (Science)
University: NUS (Mech Engineering)
Results: All straight As for all Maths and Physics.
Taken F Maths in JC and S-Paper Distinction


Minimal Expected Rate: $70
Student's Gender: No preference
Tutoring Location: West, Central/City
Teaching IP Students: IP & IB

Tutoring Subjects

Pre-School: -
Primary School: -
'O' Level: A Maths, E Maths, Physics
'A' Level: Maths, Physics
Polytechnic and above: -
Music: -
Foreign Language: -

Self Introduction

I have 13 years experience in teaching in schools and giving tuition. I believe every student has the innate ability to excel; only time is required. The role of a tuition teacher is to guide the student along the right path, and shorten the learning curve of the student, thus saving precious time for other subjects.

In guiding my students, I love to point out the critical points, and shorten the time needed to learn the most important part for each topics. This will help my students to focus and to score higher.

From there, questions need to be drill through to let the students know how to apply the basic concepts and be able to handle the questions smoothly during exams.

Questions force the brain to think and analyse, and is one of the most effective way to learning, and excel during exams.

My academic qualifications are as follows:

1) 2004 MSc Singapore-MIT Alliance in Advanced Materials for Micro- and Nano-systems
2) 2003 Bachelor of engineering -- 2nd class upper honours
3) 1996 A levels @ NJC (C maths -- A, F maths -- A, Economics -- A, Physics -- A, Maths S paper -- Distinction, Physics S Paper -- Merit)
4) 1994 O levels @ BPGHS (E Maths -- A1, A Maths -- A1, Physics -- A1)

∴   Registered: 05 Sep 2011 ↵   Last Login: 02 Jun 2015 ↵   Last Modified: 26 May 2015

Notes for clients:

  • Tuition rates of all home tutor are subjected to many factors, such as level of student and subject. The "Minimal Expected Rate" does not necessary apply to you or your child.
  • Smart Tuition verifies only the identity and qualification of our home tutors, and the results are indicated at the top of the page and under the tutor's name.
  • Smart Tuition has warned our home tutors regarding the accuracy of the information provided and we bear no responsibility for any wrong or inaccurate information stated.
  • The contents may not be updated timely by the individual tutor despite he/she can login to update or delete the profile at any point of time.
  • The tutor is subjected to his/her availability and Smart Tuition will recommend other suitable tutors to you if the tutor is not available.
  • There is no free trial of lesson. You can, however, change the tutor after any lesson if he/she is not up to your standard.
  • Please indicate the tutor's ID in the request form if you find him/her suitable.

About our tutors:

  • Every tutor signs up with us on his/her own accord and our team is overwhelmed with a large pool of talents - we do not and neither need to buy any tutor's data.
  • This tutor's profile is viewable because he/she has enabled the optional public listing feature, which can be disabled after logging into the account. This means that some of our fantastic tutors can only be viewed by our coordinators.
  • To remove this profile, as agreed in the service agreement during registration, this tutor has to log in and delete the account manually instead of approaching us.

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"How could youths better learn to live than by at once trying the experiment of living?" - Henry David Thoreau

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