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Singapore Tuition Assignment 1604032

Please apply for the tuition assignment only if you are proficient and confident of tutoring the relevant subject(s) well. If you are unsuitable for the assignment (example, the parent is asking for a female tutor and you are male), do not apply.

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Poly - Chemical Engineering

Status: Unavailable

Tutoring Level: Poly
Subject: Chemical Engineering
Student's Gender: Male
Student's Race: SG chinese
Tuition Rate: $45
Frequency of Lessons: 1 time/week
Duration of Lessons: 1.5 hrs/lesson
Available Timing: Weekends afternoon
Location: Blk 258 Serangoon Central Drive
Tutor's Gender: No preference
Tutor's Minimum Qualification:
Requirements / Comments: The student would like to have tuition on the following modules for the upcoming semester (which will start next week):

1) Heat Transfer and Equipment
2) Fluid Mechanics
3) Rotating Equipment

The student didn't do well in his previous semester. He failed the following subjects:
1) Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
2) Chemical Engineering Principles and Simulation
3) Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics

As a result, he has to retake and pass all the above subjects in the semester after next (starting October).

So, for this coming semester, I think he may need to catch up on some of the basic concepts/theories especially on the "Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics" module) which may be related/relevant to the current modules he is going to take in this upcoming semester.

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