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Personal Tutors Needed

Attention! Personal Tutors!

We believe that tutoring requires lots of patience and creativity. Not every student loves to study and thus a personal tutor can help to stimulate interest of the tuition subject to the student.

Due to location, availability and other issues, we are looking for a wider range of personal tutors to join our team in order to help parents who are urgently seeking personal tuition for their children.

Personal Tutors We Are Looking For

If you have the passion and are keen to be a home tutor, do register as a tutor to become part of our passionate and dedicated team now. We welcome both full-time and part-timer tutors.

Why Join Us as a Personal Tutor?

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"They say that we are better educated than our parents' generation. What they mean is that we go to school longer. It is not the same thing." - Richard Yates

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