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Annie (Teh)   |   Tutor ID: 1686


Highest qualification verified: Diploma

Home tutor - Annie


Gender: female
Age: 37
Nationality: Singaporean
Race: chinese
Tutoring Experience: 17 years

Education History

Highest Qualification: Diploma
NIE trained: No
Integrated Programme: No
Secondary School: Northland Secondary
Junior College / Polytechnic: Nanyang Polytechnic (Media Studies and Management)
Results: Olevels
English B3
Chinese A2
Science (phy/Chem) A2
Emaths B3
Combined Humanities B3


Minimal Expected Rate: $25
Student's Gender: No preference
Tutoring Location: Central/City, North, North East
Teaching IP Students: No

Tutoring Subjects

Pre-School: Pre-School
Primary School: Chinese, English, Maths
'O' Level: Chinese, Physics/Chemistry, Science (lower sec), Social Studies
'A' Level: -
Polytechnic and above: -
Music: -
Foreign Language: -

Self Introduction

I am firm and patient with my students.

Work with ADD/ADD kids in the past.
Able to teaching creative writing.
Able to use model for problem solving in maths.

Have been giving teaching since 2007 . My students range from K1 to sec 2. Most of them are able to achieve a band higher than what they had been getting before my tuition.

I just ended my contract teaching in a primary school in January 2012. I was the subject teacher for Primary 4 Maths and Science.

I believe in building rapport with my students and getting strong parental support are important.

∴   Registered: 11 Apr 2011 ↵   Last Login: 08 Dec 2013 ↵   Last Modified: 08 Dec 2013

Notes for clients:

  • Tuition rates of all home tutor are subjected to many factors, such as level of student and subject. The "Minimal Expected Rate" does not necessary apply to you or your child.
  • Smart Tuition verifies only the identity and qualification of our home tutors, and the results are indicated at the top of the page and under the tutor's name.
  • Smart Tuition has warned our home tutors regarding the accuracy of the information provided and we bear no responsibility for any wrong or inaccurate information stated.
  • The contents may not be updated timely by the individual tutor despite he/she can login to update or delete the profile at any point of time.
  • The tutor is subjected to his/her availability and Smart Tuition will recommend other suitable tutors to you if the tutor is not available.
  • There is no free trial of lesson. You can, however, change the tutor after any lesson if he/she is not up to your standard.
  • Please indicate the tutor's ID in the request form if you find him/her suitable.

About our tutors:

  • Every tutor signs up with us on his/her own accord and our team is overwhelmed with a large pool of talents - we do not and neither need to buy any tutor's data.
  • This tutor's profile is viewable because he/she has enabled the optional public listing feature, which can be disabled after logging into the account. This means that some of our fantastic tutors can only be viewed by our coordinators.
  • To remove this profile, as agreed in the service agreement during registration, this tutor has to log in and delete the account manually instead of approaching us.

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"I can prove at any time that my education tried to make another person out of me than the one I became. It is for the harm, therefore, that my educators could have done me in accordance with their intentions that I reproach them; I demand from their hands the person I now am, and since they cannot give him to me, I make of my reproach and laughter a drumbeat sounding in the world beyond." - Franz Kafka

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